chris' Incredibly awesome spectacular blog

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Chris’ rant # 104

#8 – you’ve never done that

Ok well this might just be me but when people are talking about something that I have never done or seen been there, my natural response is always "I’ve never done that", then for some reason a lot of people respond to that my saying "you’ve never done that!!!" and I respond "that is what I just said". I don’t know if it is people just wanting to hear their own voice or something but I have never understood the need for this phrase and every time people say this to me I just want to explode. I usually refrain from exploding and just ask them if they didn’t hear me. Then there is always an awkward exchange between us while the person catches up. This phrase just annoys me to death. If I say I have never done something you don’t have to confirm it by asking again because I understand English just fine, not that I speak it well all the time but my understanding is 100%


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