chris' Incredibly awesome spectacular blog

Monday, March 21, 2005

Chris’ rant # 111

#1 – oh I forgot

Ok well here it is. This is the one thing that I despise above all else. I will try to make it short but it is the only thing that I can say that has ever gotten me livid mad. It is when someone makes a promise to me that they will do something with me, or involve me in something but either the time comes and they don’t involve me or they do this thing without me or they just break the plans all together. I’ve always thought that how someone keeps their word is the best representation of who they are as a person. Not keeping your word with someone is a choice to hurt people and it has always been very hard for me to forgive people that purposely hurt people. Now there are always reasons why you might not be able to keep a promise but I am more talking about people that just forget their promise. Its like they are forgetting you, and being forgotten or really puts you in your true place in a friendship…


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