chris' Incredibly awesome spectacular blog

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

rmonda rcap # 2

I have 130+ freckles on my fingers. Please don’t ask why but I thought that I would count them and I was extremely bored so I counted them and kept tract by marking each one with a black pin so I didn’t count the same one twice. Anyway, I have quite a few freckles and just wanted to share that. At one point I looked up what they were and I found like a million sites about how to get rid of them. Now I know that people with freckles are usually fair skinned so they are not usually the most tannest people in the world but personally I like freckles. A little bit of freckles on the noes and cheeks to an overabundance all over the arms and face. Either way freckles are cute as can be. Hell just look at me for an example.


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