chris' Incredibly awesome spectacular blog

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Chris’ rant #160

Ok well I was told that my rants are too depressing so here is my shot at a non-depressing rant
I guess the thing is that I don’t think of myself as a depressing person although I realize that my rants come off that way sometimes, hell even when I try and be uplifting there is always a note of smite/ bitterness that crawls its way in. I guess its just who I am, we all get to a place in our life where we make patterns and as time goes on those patterns are hard to break, its takes a big push, usually from an outside source to derail your world and set it in a new path, if you don’t accept this you just fall back on the old path. I guess in the end you just hope that after you get on a better track you don’t find yourself merging with the track you left. It happens, you think that you are free of the past but you mealy just took a detour. I guess I’m just stuck now, soon ill be unstuck, the stuck, then unstuck then stuck again, the thing is just this. One day we all get unstuck and land on some random track that came from nowhere, even if its been in front of us the whole time, once this happens we stick to this new track and realize that without all those bad moments in our life, that brought us down some of those crap ass tracks that we try not to remember, we might not have gotten something good or worse not appreciated the good when it comes. In the end we all land on one that makes us happy. This one track is different for everyone but it is there and as long as we are not too rigid and accept this destiny when it comes, we all land face up in a path that is for us only. Or at least that’s what keeps me going


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