chris' Incredibly awesome spectacular blog

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Chris rant # 154

So this weekend I went to a wedding and just like last time I met a girl, well actually three girls but I only had my eyes on one. It started off well and I know that this might shock most but I actually started most of my conversations because I was the only guy there dancing. Yep dancing got three girls to talk to me. Thank god for the electric slide, YMCA, the chicken dance, footloose and my personal favorite the twist. Now for those of you who have witnessed my random-flailing-of-my-arms-legs-going-who-knows-which-way style of dancing then you know that these girls weren’t talking to me because of my smooth moves on the dance floor. The key is confidence, just have fun and don’t worry and they will come, it’s a lot easier then building it to make them come (movie reference). So then, well, I don’t know what happened. No I know what happened I left, I just left I wanted to get this girls number but I didn’t think that I got a good enough vibe from her whether it was that we didn’t talk enough (see rant 155), she was just shy, or its my excuse for not taking the leap… I said my "it was nice meeting you", and then that was that. Something is wrong with me. I almost think that I am so stuck being single that I cant get myself out, its not a new feeling its just back and I guess I will just have to get used to it again. Well sorry this rant was depressing, I just read it myself.


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