chris' Incredibly awesome spectacular blog

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Chris’ rant #162

So in acting class today we played a game, well actually we played three games but the first two didn’t have winners and losers so it was not that great of a game. Then we played our third and last game of the day. This new game intrigued me, it requires no real skill and has to do with the determination of the people playing. Simple games are always the best games and usually show the most about people because they require no real outside skill and are based of ones determination to win. The games rules were simple, look someone in the eyes and don’t smile. Now during this the rest of the class can do whatever they want to make you laugh but the cant touch you in any way. We started playing and the winner stayed and the looser left in shame with their head down and their spirit cracked. We had a strong competitor for a while and she lost to the guy who looses all the competitions we ever play, he got in position and won his first match, we cheered because he won something, but this wouldn’t last, we thought, if we knew then what we do now we wouldn’t have been cheering. He continued to win and seamed to be unbeatable, the guy sitting next to me decided he could concur this unbreakable beast, so he steeped up to the Plate and put up an impressive effort but despite his courageous attempt he came up short. Then it was my turn; I got up slowly and prepared to face the current champion. I sat there in quite contemplation before the main and last round began. How could I defeat such a menacing foe? What could I do to win? What would I do if I lost? Do I have what it takes? I knew the answers were within me, and I would have to draw up all the mental focus and awesomeness I had to continue… then it began, death stares, then two of us were in a unflinching competition of inner control and self discipline. It started off rough with comments from the audience and the quiet battle raged of between us men of the stare, it was like we could see through the others soul and each of us was putting up so much mental might that anything put between us would have simply vaporized into nothingness. We went on like this with no one making any progress until it happened, loss of focus, a twitch, a hint of weakness is all it took to run out of control, downward spiraling, unable to get a grip of the steadfast emotionless state that had been achieved and now was lost, then the lip shakes, one side begins to curl up followed immediately by the other, a smile is formed momentarily until the realization that that a smile symbolizes defeat and turns into a frown. Today I did not flinch, I was the winner, but more then that I was lucky, lucky enough to be the one that came out victorious. It took over 5 minutes to decide a winner but in the end I defeated my foe and came out the ultimate champion.


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