chris' Incredibly awesome spectacular blog

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Chris’ rant # 169

Every day within everyone struggles are being constantly waged. It can be the struggle between good and evil, persistence and surrender, or perhaps the decision to do nothing versus to move on. It is these dualities in people that make us unique. We all have aspects of various personalities within us. Based upon a combination of experience and genetics, the end result is that some facets of our personality are suppressed while others, due to this constant state of inner conflict, prevail. This concept of dualism means that when faced with a decision, any given person will go about the process differently. Even after reaching the same conclusion, getting there doesn’t mean that everyone who has arrived at the same place got there using the same road. Duality is not a bad thing at all. People seem to need to have conflicting pieces in them so they can stay sane. If people didn’t have this internal struggle, they would either stay in one place forever or never commit to anything. The trouble with internal duality comes when one part of the psyche completely suppresses the other. Waiting for Godot reminds me of the movie, Ground Hog Day, where Bill Murray’s character is forced to relive the same day over and over again. The only difference between the movie and the play is that the play is a more like real life where people are the ones that seem to get into patterns and forced to do the same things over and over again. I guess that is what Waiting for Godot tries to do: examine the duality of man and expose to how absurd it can be to just sit around in the same spot every day and wait for something that one is are not too sure about. Opening one’s eyes to the patterns that one gets caught in every day is what this play means to me. Showing that the duality people have inside is a great thing as long as one listens to both sides within. In this way people can live their lives day by day, not just day after day.

Right now I have the feeling to do something so not me, but the hard thing is to figure out what that is?


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