chris' Incredibly awesome spectacular blog

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Chris’ rant # 164

Ok so today in English class my teacher had us do a free right about in 5 yeas if we will look back and say either I wish I would have studied more or I wish I would have partied more. Well I gave my answer which was true in the sense that I believe that we do what we think is best for us and study or party as long as you end up happy with where you are in 5 years it doesn’t matter because that is the road that got you there. But in more thought I decided that most people probably said that they wish that they have more fun and probably no one put "man I wish I’d studied more". But you know what that’s a load of crap, that’s right a load of stinky crap, because if you realize that you would like to party more and then do that but let your studding go down you would drop out of college. Then I bet that in 5 years when you are the manager of the local wall mart or whatever and your dream of being something is ruined, I bet those people don’t wish that they partied more. Well unless those people are just apathetic people who could care less either way. Any way, party/ study it doesn’t matter as long as you are happy with what you do.


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