chris' Incredibly awesome spectacular blog

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Chris’ rant #163

Ok so for those of you who know me well enough to know me when it gets cold outside, and have known me at least within the last 10 years know that I have a special jacket. It is green, smells, has paint stains and stitches from when I stitch it up every couple of years. I lovingly call it my ugly green jacket. Now I must say I get a lot of crap for my jacket, mostly because people say that it looks like crap. It keeps me warm is what I come back with followed by the fact that I love it as much as I can love an inanimate object. The point of this rant is that I think we all have something that might not be alive but somehow they have some sort of memory to then, from a memory of a loved one to the memory of 10 years of life. My shoes I think of in a similar way but more for conformableness, any way I just like my green jacket.


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