chris' Incredibly awesome spectacular blog

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Chris’ rant # 166

This rant goes out to the "oh oh moment" for those of you who don’t know what this is well in every doomed relationship there comes an oh oh moment where a little something happens and you know you have witnessed the beginning of the end. Oh oh ice burg ahead. For those of you who have been in a doomed relationship you probably know what I’m talking about. Things seam fine but then something happens and for some reason you just cant get over it. It could be a big or something small and stupid that just brings to the surface the truth or the straw that breaks your back or something big that is an instant break up. The realization of this moment is key though in the process of moving on and continuing the search for the one not crazy, clingy bitch, or the one not crazy ass wipe bastard. Either way it is the fun of the search I guess, and the realization that you chose not wrong, because in every domed relationship you grow, but realize that this apple is not for you. And then one day the hmmm moment where you realize that you might have found that one odd ball person to everyone else but the person that somehow completes you.


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