Chris rant # 120
Ok well, here’s the deal I was watching dawn of the dead and this came to mind. In case there is a massive zombie infection and I happen to get bit while most likely performing some massively selfless, heroic deed, no matter how mush you like me or how much my quite amazing skills will help you in the future to repopulate the world, it would be best, and I would prefer it if you would just kill me as soon as possible. Now when/if the time comes I may go back on my word and insist that you wait to kill me but at that point I know that I am going to become a zombie and although what I am saying may make some sense, it is just my new zombie logic coming out. You see at that point I will be pretty mad that no one else is doomed to become the walking dead so I will most likely wish the same fate for others, because of jealousy. Now just remember that paranoia in most cases adds chaos to any situation but when it comes to zombies it is best not to trust anyone until proven not a zombie, for this reason I will most likely need to do a through body search on everyone with 2 X chromosomes because they are the ones most likely to lie about this because of their lack of understanding of zombies. Also because of a possible time crunch we could just designate someone else to do the men exams, or I could just accept the men’s word, after all men done lie. Any way, I could probably go on for way too long about zombies because I think that it is important to be prepared for anything, and although it is not probable that the dead will awake and walk again it could well be possible. I think that I would not be doing my duty as an informed citizen if I didn’t share my knowledge. So following this will be my ranting tips on how to survive zombies…