Chris’ rant # 126
Ok well this is old so bear with me, at clinic the coolest man ever came in and I got to see him. I had seen this guy before and he was very nice and that continued. Pt is a 51 year old AAM who presents to clinic for a f/u concerning HTN. Pt states that he is taking all his medications and can state what and how much he is taking. Lisinopril 10mg QD and HCTZ 25mg QD. Pt states that he never went to the Dr. until about 9 months ago when his uncle died and it got him thinking about his own health. At that time he smoked 1ppd with a 30 year history, and he drank about 1 pint per day of hard liquor, didn’t exercise or eat right, and had a BP of 160/95. Now pt has quit smoking, only drinks on the weekends, exercises every day for at least 30 min and eats right, his BP today is 100/55, and his only complaint is dizzy spells when he stands up that happen about three times/day. Pt was taken off of his HCTZ and told to keep it up. This guy is awesome, we are also on a first name basis and he is quite the exception to our normal patients. This just shows that some people actually care about their health and I hope that this gives everyone who is reading this hope that all Truman patients do get better.